Meeting with PhD and post-doc advisors in Paris
It has been a great pleasure to come visit my old colleagues from Ecole Normale Superieure and University of Washington in Paris. Boris Gutkin has been supervising my thesis in 2012 - 2015 and Adrienne Fairhall was my post-doc advisor at University of Washington in 2016 - 2017. During my trip in Europe when I was visiting AD/PD 2022 conference, Adrienne was doing her sabbatical in Paris and it was a great opportunity to see them both at my alma-mater. Many things have changed since I have graduated in 2015, I have moved to Seattle and got into neurodegeneration field. But what has not changed is the scientific rigor, curiosity and passion for science, which I have learned from both of them. I am very thankful for having these two advisors in my professional life and doing my best to propagate these science qualities forward in my work and my interns.